Design of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements For Commercial, Industrial & Residential Applications
Recognizing the important differences between public highways and commercial pavements, the authors address the special requirements and informational needs of private placement specifiers and designers. This manual provides practical information on selection of materials, alternative construction methods, and HMA design criteria.
62 pp. (Feb 91)
IS-109 List price $30.00

Development of Marshall Procedures for Designing Asphalt Paving Mixtures A basic handbook for every HMA firm’s library.
Understanding what is involved in designing a Hot Mix Asphalt paving mixture and how the various materials are selected, how they act and react with each other, and how the pavement performs are all of vital importance. This publication discusses the development and use of Marshall procedures for testing mix designs.
24 pp. (Nov 82)
IS-84List price $12.00

Designing and Constructing SMA Mixtures—State-of-the-Practice
Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is a tough, stable, rut-resistant mixture. The recommendations for mix design, plant production, paving compaction, and quality assurance discussed in this report should provide the guidance necessary to maximize the potential for SMA and minimize production problems.
43 pp. (Jan 99)
QIP-122 List price $16.00

Hot Mix Asphalt for High Stress Applications
Hot Mix Asphalt pavements can be designed and constructed to provide economical, long-life pavements for high-stress loading conditions, ranging from airfields to bus lanes to high-traffic urban intersections. A key to a successful pavement is a design that will resist premature rutting. This publication reviews the causes and cures of rutting and presents recommended mix design and construction guidelines.
12 pp. (Jul 95)
IS-119 List price $7.00

HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide
This joint publication by Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) and NAPA provides designers with methods for selecting appropriate mix types while considering factors such as traffic, environment, subsurface pavement structure, existing pavement condition and preparation, and economics. Targeted are OGFC, SMA, and fine-and coarse-graded dense mixes.
28 pp. (Feb 01)
IS-128 List price $8.00

Segregation Causes and Cures for Hot Mix Asphalt
This joint publication by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and NAPA can be a valuable diagnostic aid in determining the causes and finding the cures for mix segregation. A foldout diagnostic chart for spotting and solving segregation problems is included.
28 pp. (Apr 97)
QIP-110 List price $15.00

Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000 and CD-ROM New Second Edition!
Developed under the sponsorship of the Transportation Research Board, NAPA, FHWA, AASHTO, Federal Aviation Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this comprehensive hand-book covers HMA project organization, mix design and job mix formulas, types of HMA manufacturing facilities, aggregate storage and handling, asphalt cement storage and distribution, batch and drum mix facility operations, surge and storage silos, emission controls, mix delivery, surface preparation, mix placement, automatic screed controls, joint construction, compaction, and equipment and mat problems/solutions. This second edition addresses recent developments including SHRP, new paving equipment, advances in recycling, new quality control practices, and the introduction of new techniques from Europe and elsewhere. A practical guide for all connected with specifying paving materials and/or involved in the manufacturing/paving process.
213 pp. (Jan 01)
PH-1List price $25.00

Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction—Expanded Second Edition (Hardcover) The most complete and up-to-date book of its type!
An expanded and updated edition of the best selling textbook published by the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT). Not only the premier textbook for university instruction on Hot Mix Asphalt, it is also an excellent reference book for anyone wanting to know more about asphalt technology. The second edition includes new sections covering Stone Matrix Asphalt, Superpave performance grade (PG) asphalt binders, Superpave mix design, and asphalt modifiers. Updated material includes the latest information on asphalt refining; aggregates; HMA mix design; characterization of asphalt mixtures; equipment and construction; performance and distress; and maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of HMA.
585 pp. (Dec 96)
TB-1Single copy price $66.00

Evaluation of Baghouse Fines for Hot Mix Asphalt
Since the 1970's, dust collection systems (baghouses) have been used to capture fines from HMA facility exhaust systems. Baghouse fines have been successfully reintroduced to HMA mixtures as mineral fillers. The purpose of this report is to recommend guidelines on characterization of baghouse fines, evaluation of the stiffening effect of fines on properties of fines-asphalt matrix, and evaluation of the effect of fines on properties of HMA.
36 pp. (Mar 99) IS-127 List price $16.00

Thin Hot Mix Asphalt Surfacings
Thin HMA surfaces are being used increasingly to extend pavement life, improve riding quality and safety characteristics, and reduce road-tire noise. This guide reviews the specific attributes of various mix types, including SMA (Stone Matrix Asphalt) and Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC), so careful consideration can be given to selecting the appropriate mix design for various applications.
8 pp. (Feb 96) IS-110 List price $5.00

Moisture Susceptibility of HMA
Mixes: Identification of Problemand Recommended SolutionsStripping of HMA pavements is relatedto moisture susceptibility. This publication describes the external factors and/or in-place properties of HMA pavements that can induce premature stripping. Suggestions for alleviating problems associated with these factors are also included.
24 pp. (Mar 01) QIP-119 List price $8.00

Material—Its Evolution and Application
Recognition that the presence of freewater hastens pavement deteriorationhas led to an increased awareness andacceptance of providing internalpavement drainage as standard practice.The development and usage of AsphaltTreated Permeable Material (ATPM)offers a relatively low-cost way toachieve positive rapid pavementdrainage. This publication reviewsATPM’s evolution, usage, design considerations,specifications, construction, andcase histories of projects constructed.
12 pp. (Apr 91) QIP-117 List price $8.00

The Effects of Testing and Production Procedures on Mix Design Results
Most agencies rely on standard test methods (ASTM or AASHTO) when developing mixture designs; however, in many instances these standard methods have been modified by the agencies or individuals for their own use, and very significant effects on mixture designs have resulted. This publication discusses mix design practice, effects of materials (asphalt cement, aggregates, etc.) on mix designs, and effects of production on mix design performance.
8 pp. (Jul 91)
IS-112 List price $6.00

Recycling Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements
The advantages and benefits of using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) have all been well documented. Here's a publication that explains the how-to’s of RAP: how to reclaim, size, store, and process RAP in various types of HMA facilities. Calculations for determining the costs and savings available from using RAP are also provided.
22 pp. (May 96)
IS-123 List price $16.00

Uses of Waste Asphalt ShinglesIn HMA, State-of-the-Practice
This report examines how the industryhas developed procedures for usingwaste asphalt shingles in HMA. It notonly reviews sources of waste shingles, mix design considerations, and equipment modifications, but also reports on laboratory and field studies of HMA containing waste shingles. Operational, environmental, and economic considerations in using waste asphalt shingles are also discussed.
24 pp. (Dec 96) SR-179 List Price $10.00

Evaluating the Use of Waste Materials in Hot Mix Asphalt
Increasingly, the use of "waste" materials such as glass, rubber, etc., in asphalt paving mixtures is being advocated. However, questions need to be raised on the engineering, environmental, and economic impacts such use would have. This report outlines the concerns that need to be addressed including performance, worker health, recyclability, and production modifications before a decision is made to include waste materials in paving mixtures.
8 pp. (Nov 93) SR-165 List price $7.00

Guidelines for Use of HMA Overlays to Rehabilitate PCC Pavements Order rehabilitation video PV-1 as an added resource!
Hot Mix Asphalt overlays are a long-term, economical solution to rehabilitating distressed Portland Cement Concrete pavements if the proper overlay thickness is selected to eliminate reflection cracking. Based on a nationwide study of PCC pavement preparation methods for HMA overlay conducted by PCS/Law Engineering, this technical guide focuses on determining overlay thickness. It presents an innovative hierarchical determination approach related to project size and importance.
84 pp. (Sep 84)
IS-117 List price $30.00

HMA for the Year 2000 Understanding Superpave Mix Design
Produced in cooperation with the FHWA, this video explains the basics of Superpave material selection, laboratory compaction, and the required mix evaluation processes. Federal officials call it an "excellent overview," and are urging its use as an introduction to the Superpave performance-based binder specifications and mix design process.
TRT: 13 min. (Feb 96)
PV-4 List price $30.00

Rehabilitation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Using Hot Mix Asphalt Overlays Order rehabilitation publication IS-117 as an added resource!
This video will assist specifiers and pavement engineers in selecting the optimal design for rehabilitating distressed PCC pavement with HMA. The findings of a nationwide field survey of four rehabilitation methodologies in a broad range of climatic zones by Pavement Consultancy Services, a division of Law Engineering, are summarized and used to guide design selection. Each rehabilitation methodology is explored.
TRT: 18 min. (Jul 93)
PV-1List price $40.00

The Fundamentals of the Operation and Maintenance of the Exhaust Gas System in a Hot Mix Asphalt Facility Second Edition Long referred to as the "bible" of the HMA industry!
This publication offers technological and operational information organized in an easy-to-use format. Divided into eight chapters for quick reference, each chapter describes the particular pieces of equipment found in an HMA facility, which interact with the exhaust gas system.
118 pp. (Oct 87) IS-52 List price $60.00

Applying IS-52: Performance Expectations from Your Facility Take advantage of this training tool for IS-52!
This technical, how-to publication builds on NAPA's Publication IS-52 (see above), and clearly demonstrates how the fundamentals can affect day-to-day operation and production.
32 pp. (Mar 95)
TAS-22 List price $14.00

Best Management Practices to Minimize Emissions During HMA Construction NEW from the Asphalt Pavement Environmental Council (APEC)!
This APEC publication provides the HMA industry with guidance that may assist in producing high-quality HMA in an environmentally friendly manner. It reviews the best practices for plant mix production and field compaction temperatures, the use of aggregate and RAP, the use of anti-stripping additives, burner operation and maintenance, equipment utilization, and the impact of ambient weather conditions.
12 pp. (Apr 00)
EC-101List price $2.50

Balancing Production Rates in HMA Operations
This practical guide provides step-by-step information on how to calculate and coordinate HMA production, hauling, paving, and compaction. Applying these steps will help reduce job conflicts while improving quality, productivity, and profitability, whether the paving job is across the street or across the state.
24 pp. (May 96)
IS-120 List price $16.00

Superpave Construction Guidelines
This Special Report, produced jointly by NAPA and the FHWA, points out the differences in production and construction procedures for conventional HMA and Superpave mixes. Plant production, trucking, placement, compaction, and QC/QA are discussed. These guidelines were developed at a workshop attended by a cross-section of highway construction industry and state and federal agency representatives with Superpave experience.
18 pp. (Feb 98) SR-180 List price $12.00

Noise In and Around Asphalt Plants
Where does noise occur around a Hot Mix Asphalt facility, what causes it, and how can it be controlled? This useful document describes noise fundamentals; how, when, and where they occur in HMA operations; and methods and materials for controlling noise.
38 pp. (Nov 77)
IS-75 List price $14.00

Hot Mix Asphalt Construction Reference A must-have resource for HMA paving operators and superintendents!
Often, when constructing Hot Mix Asphalt pavements, a problem arises for which the solution is not readily available and which is thus overlooked at the expense of quality. No longer. This handy guide fits into your coat pocket or glove compartment and will help you in identifying possible solutions to a number of potential problems that may occur during paving operations. Easy-to-read format makes problem solving simple and quick.
36 pp. (Jul 00) QIP-112 List price $8.00

Construction Spanish
A pocketsize translation guide, this new NAPA publication offers key Spanish terms used on the jobsite. Included are phrases involving safety, emergency, and personnel issues. Terms are listed alphabetically in both English and Spanish.
120 pp. (Nov 00) TAS-27 List price $12.00

Paver Operations for Quality
An invaluable training tool for not only educating new operators, but also reinforcing proper techniques with old hands and supervisory personnel. Written in easy-to-understand terms that drive home the point that it takes skill to meet specifications and build quality roads.
22 pp. (Jul 96)
IS-125 List price $8.00

Roller Operations for Quality Order vibratory roller video TAS-23 as an added resource!
A how-to primer covering proper operating techniques for manual and automatic paving, including procedures for controlling the paving angle and the flow or "head" of material. Valuable troubleshooting guides are also included to help operators recognize and correct segregation, streaks, and other mat flaws.
20 pp. (May 96)
IS-121List price $12.00

Segregation Causes and Cures for Hot Mix Asphalt
This joint publication by AASHTO and NAPA can be a valuable diagnostic aid in determining the causes and finding the cures for mix segregation. A foldout diagnostic chart for spotting and solving segregation problems is included.
28 pp. (Apr 97)
QIP-110 List price $15.00

Superpave Construction Guidelines
This Special Report, produced jointly by NAPA and the FHWA, points out the differences in production and construction procedures for conventional HMA and Superpave mixes. These guidelines were developed at a workshop attended by a cross section of highway construction industry and state and federal agency representatives with Superpave experience.
18 pp. (Feb 98)
SR-180 List price $12.00

Balancing Production Rates in HMA Operations
This practical guide provides step-by-step information on how to calculate and coordinate HMA production, hauling, paving, and compaction. Applying these steps will help reduce job conflicts while improving quality, productivity, and profitability, whether the paving job is across the street or across the state.
24 pp. (May 96)
IS-120 List price $16.00

Longitudinal Joints: Problems and Solutions Order notched wedge joint video TAS-26 as an added resource!
Few areas of Hot Mix Asphalt construction have spurred as much consternation as longitudinal joints. As a critical element in the durability and longevity of a HMA pavement, longitudinal joint construction requires care and proper technique. This publication identifies a variety of techniques that have been successfully used to construct good longitudinal joints. Future needs are also discussed.
12 pp. (Jan 98)
QIP-121List price $8.00

Cold Weather Compaction
Although cold weather is not ideal for placing and compacting HMA, field experience confirms that it can be accomplished under adverse conditions. Among factors discussed are mix characteristics, base conditions, transportation, lift thicknesses, types of rollers, handwork, joint construction, and specifications and guidelines for cold weather compaction.
20 pp. (Apr 92)
QIP-118 List price $14.00

Rolling and Compaction of Asphalt Pavement Order vibratory roller video TAS-23 as an added resource!
This easy-to-understand illustrated workbook for inexperienced employees discusses the importance of the roller operator to the paving team. Covers basic information on compaction, types of rollers, and roller patterns and techniques.
32 pp. (May 82) TAS-15 List price $6.00

Principios de Pavimentación para Calidad
This NAPA videotape includes three segments designed to demonstrate the proper techniques for HMA construction and illustrate the basic principles of the subjects without being overly specific or complicated. They can easily be incorporated into a training program. The three ten-minute segments on each tape are titled, "Roller Operations for Quality, It’s Up to You," "Paver Operations for Quality, It's Up to You," and "Paving Site Work Practices for Quality, It's Up to You." TRT: 30 min. (Dec 00)

TAS-28S (Spanish Version) List price $40.00

Building the Notched Wedge Joint Order longitudinal joint publication QIP-121 as an added resource!
This NAPA videotape explains the reasons for the superior performance of the notched wedge joint and shows the conveniences it offers to the paving crew during the construction process. Through both graphics and live action, it also offers step-by-step procedures for paving crews to follow in building the notched wedge joint. This video is a good introduction to this construction technique.

TAS-26 List price $40.00

Understanding the Vibratory Roller
When it comes to providing clear instructions on how to operate and maintain a vibratory roller, this NAPA video fills the bill, from memorable visual illustrations of how a vibratory roller differs from a static roller and how it impacts the asphalt, to actual jobsite demonstrations of proper rolling patterns, including longitudinal and transverse joints.

TAS-23 List price $50.00

Handling Hot Mix Asphalt
This video program is designed for the ground crew of the paving operation, particularly those who shovel and rake Hot Mix Asphalt. It provides tips and demonstrates proper shoveling and raking/luting techniques for handling HMA.
TRT: 16 min. (Sep 94) TAS-20 List price $40.00

Hauling Hot Mix Asphalt Should be used in conjunction with TAS-1, "Truck Driving Techniques."
This documentary-style video follows an actual truck driver working and sharing his professional views about what it takes to haul HMA. It provides invaluable tips for loading and driving safely, and being an integral part of the paving team.
TRT: 8:30 min. (Nov 93) TAS-19 List price $40.00

HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide
This joint publication by FHWA and NAPA provides designers with methods for selecting appropriate mix types while considering factors such as traffic, environment, subsurface pavement structure, existing pavement condition and preparation, and economics. Targeted are OGFC, SMA, and fine-and coarse-graded dense mixes.
28 pp. (Feb 01)
IS-128 List price $8.00

Quality Control for Hot Mix Asphalt Manufacturing Facilities and Paving Operations Revised
A comprehensive guide to setting up a quality assurance program for Hot Mix Asphalt operations includes chapters on developing a quality control organization, field and facility operations, sampling and evaluation procedures, personnel and laboratory requirements, and more.
64 pp. (Jan 97)
QIP-97 List price $20.00

Field Management of Hot Mix Asphalt
This handy reference will assist HMA producers in understanding what variable factors can affect volumetric properties in an HMA mix. Emphasis is placed on what can cause differences in mix characteristics between the lab and plant production. A ranking system prioritizes the importance of each factor, which may contribute to the differences. Factors considered include aggregate, asphalt binder, plant production process, mix storage, and hauling.
52 pp. (Dec 96) IS-124 List price $12.00

HMA Research & Technology A Commitment to the Future
This report, presented by the Committee for Asphalt Research and Technology (CART), discusses efforts of the HMA industry to define HMA research and technology. Strategic programs are identified and specific research projects are described. This report demonstrates the need for strong partnerships between agencies and private industry.
62 pp. (Dec 98) SR-178 List price $ 10

Report of Customer Oriented Highway Construction Workshop
Contractors and highway officials are being challenged by motorists to improve safety and ease congestion in work zones. This Special Report, developed from a joint NAPA and FHWA conference, presents the issues involved in meeting this challenge and suggests activities for improving safety, reducing delays, and minimizing disruption during highway construction and maintenance.
20 pp. (Mar 98)
SR-181List price $ 10

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