The Asphalt Bussines
Welcome to, a modern Internet Site to allow to producers and industralists of the sector to take advantage of Internet like a valuable tool businesses. is a community conformed by all those people who somehow are bound to the sector of the construction: producers, professionals, companies, associations, institutions, students, and users in general. All will find benefits not only by the information and services offered by, but also to the power to be related to each other, sharing opinions, ideas and experiences.
Beginning in year 2,000, our line of manufacture products and alternative best own installation offer to the industry the already existing ones. Under a rigorous control of quality, we dedicated to the manufacture of colloidal mills for the manufacture asphalt emulsions and scatterers for the asphalt manufacture modified with polymers, making the installation of plants in any place of the entire world.
In addition, in the waterproofing sector, we dedicated ourselves, with the highest and novel technology the manufacture of equipment for the elaboration of asphalt membranes, design, manufacture and complete installation.
In association with the following companies we dedicated to the commercialization and installation of:
* Bomplast: Pumps of watery phase pumps
for asphalt emulsions manufacturing
* Giordano: Asphalt pumps
* Medidores Argentinos DVD: Caudal meters, loading arms and filters
* Igarreta: Generating sets
* Thermical: Electrical heaters, digital and analogical thermometers
* Fracchia: Machinery for the road industry
Be one of our representing agents and will see as its business will be favored!
More Information Send Mail to:
005411-4754-9374 / 6351-6288 (whatsapp) /
Buenos Aires Argentina
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