Multigrade Asphalt Manufacture

The chemistry of Asphalt is very complex. To manufacture blown and multigrade bitumen e-asfalto develop a process of chemical adjustment of asphaltic feedstocks (e.g: pen or viscosity grades) into top quality Asphalt for road and industrial applications:
The way the system works is to convert aromatic constituents containing hetero atoms into polar structural compounds, control of the reaction and the reactant ratios allows a predetermined asphalt composition to be produced.

Most crudes contain the basic building blocks to produce a suitable reactant feed for the process. 
This includes, pen grade, viscosity grade, tube residues and extracts, vacuum residues and even waxy residues.
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"Upgrading of Poor and Cheap Feedstocks"

The process involves the chemical reaction, under tightly controlled conditions, of oxygen and hydrocarbons. Aromatic components and additives may be used, depending on the feedstocks, but normally no SIBS or rubber modification is necessary. The detail of the process is designed for the particular project.
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"High Penetration Index: Asphalt without SBS or Rubber Modification"

The product produced depends on the reactant feeds available and the specifications to be met. When carried out with favorable feed stocks a MULTIGRADE Asphalt may be produced. In many cases the best MULTIGRADES can be produced from cheaper feedstocks than standard Asphalt.
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"This is Higher Quality for Lower Costs"

The multigrade concept may be illustrated using penetration index.That is the higher the penetration index, the lower the dependence of rheology on temperature (and usually shear as the properties are interdependent).This may be d etermined from two penetrations (assuming a linear relationship between log pen and temperature) or a penetration and the ring and ball softening point. Such multigrade type materials have characteristics therefore of a softer grade at low temperatures and a harder one at high temperatures.

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"Better Roads for Lower Cost" 

Multigrade Asphalts made with compositional control:

Resist Cracking at Low Temperature Resist Deformation at High Temperature
Resist Aging Optimize Adhesion
Optimize Emulsability Improve Compatibility with Polymers of many types

When manufactured in a correctly designed hotmixed asphalt MULTIGRADE asphalts will have:

Improved Deformation Resistance Excellent Fatigue Resistance
Excellent Moisture Resistance Excellent Resistance to Oxidation

The design of hot mixes should be carried out with a rational technique. The design methods now employ measurement of modulus, creep properties and fatigue propertiés by rational means. These outputs can be used in a mechanistic pavement design. Such a mechanistic pavement design can predict life of the final pavement. High Stiffness Modulus hotmixed Asphalt Pavements give longer life.

Hot mixed asphalt is a widely used material in pavement structures and surfaces. However it may fail prematurely if the design and materials are not right.

Hot mixes may fail due to:

Deformation- rutting and shoving  Cold conditions 
Cracking- by fatigue Moisture damage
Poor quality base construction Aging

Deformation, in many hot and tropical countries the use of soft grades of asphalt can lead to deformation in the form of rutting and shoving. This can be avoided by use of MULTIGRADE asphalts in thick layers.

Cracking may be due to poor base construction, inadequate pavement thickness for the traffic loadings or reflection of cracks from cracked bases ( such as concrete). This can be avoided by use of correct pavement design and the correct materials. Use of stiffer binders in the load bearing layers of the pavement will increase life.

Moisture Damage is caused by water getting into the hotmix via voids and displacing the Asphalt from the stone surface. This can be avoided by correct construction practices, particularly compaction, use of lime in the mixes and correct selection of asphalt, MULTIGRADE asphalts have higher compatibility with stone and are more difficult to displace as they create stiffer films.

Aging of Asphalt by oxidation leads to embrittlement. This is a function of the voids in the asphalt, the asphalt film thickness and the oxidation resistance of the asphalt. MULTIGRADE asphalts are easier to handle, giving better compaction, they are higher viscosity and hence can be applied in thicker films, and the composition balance increases the asphalt durability. will be happy to quote special machines or proyect plant on receipt of details of composition of the product, etc.

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