Cutback Asphalts
Petroleum solvents used for dissolving asphalt cement are variously called
distillate, diluent, or cutter stock. If the solvent used in making the cutback
asphalt is highly volatile, it will quickly escape by evaporation. Solvents of
lower volatility evaporate more slowly. On the basis of the relative speed of
evaporation, cutback asphalts are divided into three types:
1. Rapid-curing (RC)-asphalt cement and a light diluent of high volatility,
generally in the gasoline or naphtha boiling point range (RC-70, 250, 800,
2. Medium-curing (MC)-asphalt cement and medium diluent of intermediate
volatility generally in the kerosene boiling point range (MC-30, 70, 250, 800,
3000); and
3. Slow-curing (SC)-asphalt cement and oils of low volatility (SC-70, 250, 800,
Slow-curing (SC) cutback asphalts are often called road-oils. This term
originated in earlier days when asphalt residual oil was used to give roads a
lowcost, all weather surface.
The degree of liquidity developed in each case depends principally on the
proportion of solvent to asphalt cement. To a minor degree, the liquidity of the
cutback may be affected by the hardness of the base asphalt from which the
cutback is made. The degree of fluidity results in several grades of cutback
asphalt some quite fluid at ordinary temperatures, and others somewhat more
viscous. The more viscous grades may require a small amount of heating to make
them fluid enough for construction operations.
will be happy to quote special machines or proyect plant on
receipt of details of composition of the product, etc.
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